The first week of second term is over and I am feeling very content. It's incredible how settled in I feel now. I know a lot more students in the school generally and I am very comfortable with the students that I teach. All of this is making me very happy. In addition, I also moved into a flat on the mission grounds where a Belgian VSO volunteer lives. It's great. It's just so nice to have my own kitchen (and not an industrial-sized one that feeds all the boys!) and my own space without having boys around 24/7. The woman I am living with now, Nele, is brilliant. She is a physiotherapist and she has been here for over 2 years working with the disabled children at the mission. Our house does get a lot of student visitors, especially now that I have started music classes in the house, but Nele is good about telling the kids when they need to leave and give us some alone time!
Yesterday I saw a snake crossing the path to the house. I rushed in to tell Nele but she was quite nonplussed. "Oh yes, there are a lot of snakes around here." She then proceeded to tell me about the time she found a cobra under the couch as she was vacuuming!! Hmmm, I'm still not quite sure what to do with that information. Perhaps I'll just never vacuum. Anyways, after she saw the snake and jumped on the couch, she managed to get her wits about her and cover it with a small box. Then, not quite knowing what to do with it, she stuffed the box into the freezer!
On a completely different note, a large shop called Fruit & Veg has opened in Oshakati. I am over the moon. Tomorrow Pete and I are going to go food shopping and I am going to stock up on as much fruit as possible. I hear they have 7 different kinds of apples.
Yesterday I saw a snake crossing the path to the house. I rushed in to tell Nele but she was quite nonplussed. "Oh yes, there are a lot of snakes around here." She then proceeded to tell me about the time she found a cobra under the couch as she was vacuuming!! Hmmm, I'm still not quite sure what to do with that information. Perhaps I'll just never vacuum. Anyways, after she saw the snake and jumped on the couch, she managed to get her wits about her and cover it with a small box. Then, not quite knowing what to do with it, she stuffed the box into the freezer!
On a completely different note, a large shop called Fruit & Veg has opened in Oshakati. I am over the moon. Tomorrow Pete and I are going to go food shopping and I am going to stock up on as much fruit as possible. I hear they have 7 different kinds of apples.
i got your keychain and note from South Africa. Thanks so much. So exciting to get something from so far away. Glad all is well.
I love the petro glyphs. I thought they were gas guzzling 4x4 's. You make me jealous [except for the scorpion].
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